Client ASU Enterprise Partners/Foundation
Date 2018
Category Large Format Print
Market Nonprofit

Many of the entries in the Premier Print Awards deserve recognition for the quality of their work. To honor those who have achieved an extremely high level of quality in printing and design, the judges bestow a Certificate of Merit.
Lori is an extremely creative person who stays on top of current trends. She is always learning the new way, but consistently creates powerful messages through her elite graphic design abilities. She is extremely organized, listens and remembers every word. She was the most recognized designer in the entire Arizona State University community, which means she went above and beyond to keep within brand guidelines while showcasing unique ideas. She is extremely self-motivated and works very well remotely. She excels best when given the goal of the project and precise deadlines. She has in-depth knowledge of the printing industry, allowing her to utilize the latest technologies creating fresh ideas while designing within a budget. Let her do her thing and she will wow the crowd and produce award-winning designs through any medium or media.
Cathy is the former Senior Director of ASU’s Print & Imaging Lab.


From The Aster Awards Program is an elite competition dedicated to recognizing the nation’s most talented healthcare marketing professionals for outstanding excellence in advertising. Winning entries, judged by a diverse panel of industry experts, are published in the Marketing Healthcare Today magazine. Winning entries must score in the top tiers amongst similar sized organizations.

Client VistaCare
Date 2009
Group Specialty Care
Category Patient Handbook
Market Business to Consumer (B2C)
This patient handbook entitled Our Journey – The Hospice Answer Book for VistaCare won a 2009 Aster Award for excellence in healthcare marketing. Lori Pasulka, teamed up with Marketing Director, Mike Fleming, to produce this award-winning piece for VistaCare. She was hired as their interim art director from February – August 2008, while their corporate team prepared to close its Scottsdale office for a planned merger with Dallas-based Odyssey Healthcare.
The purpose of this 32-page booklet was to help caregivers, family members and patients understand the full range of services provided by VistaCare, as well as to address commonly asked questions thus providing a practical “how to” guide on caring for a terminally ill loved one. The previous edition (circa 1980’s) had a very dated look and was without-a-doubt in need of a face lift. By using VistaCare’s corporate color palette as a method of navigating the reader through the handbook, costly die-cut tabs were eliminated from the design plan. The inside back cover was designed to have a generous deep pocket to organize all important documents in this useful handbook.

Client VistaCare Date 2009 Group Specialty Care Category Direct Mail Piece – Single Market Business to Business (B2B)
Lori Pasulka is the kind of designer that not only produces exceptionally high-quality work, but also inspires a better process and superior product through her impeccable project management, creativity, and excellent interpersonal skills. One example of her work is the 32-page admission guide that she completed for VistaCare hospice. Not only did she design a beautiful and functional piece for our new patients and families, but she lent a sophistication to how we approached the content development with an eye to adult learning principles. Another example was a direct mailer she designed for VistaCare, which not only sparked improved brand awareness, but also delivered return on investment in terms of physician response and new hospice referrals.
Mike is the former Vice President of Marketing at VistaCare.